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homemade-apple-ciderServe this ice cold for a refreshing drink on an Indian summer afternoon or use it as the base to make spiced cider.  Choose an apple variety based on the level of sweetness or tartness you prefer.  Plus, experiment with spices and flavors.

Homemade Apple Cider

3.0/5 rating (8 votes)
  • Ready in: 3 hours + time to chill
  • Serves: 8
  • Complexity: easy
Homemade Apple Cider


  • 8 -10 large apples
  • 1/2-1 cup sugar
  • 1/4 cup local honey
  • 4 sticks of cinnamon
  • 4 tablespoons allspice
  • 4 whole cloves


  1. Quarter apples (no need to remove peel or seeds).
  2. In a large stock pot add apples and fill with water--just enough to cover the apples.
  3. Add sugar & honey
  4. Wrap cinnamon, allspice & clove in a doubled up cheese cloth and tie or a tea infuser, and add this to the apples and water.
  5. Boil on high for one hour (uncovered) checking on it frequently.
  6. Turn down heat and let simmer for two hours (covered).
  7. Take off the heat after two hours of simmering and let cool.
  8. Remove spices and mash up the apples to a pulp like consistency (a potato masher works well for this).
  9. Once cool pour into a strainer over a large bowl. When most of the juice has drained away, put the remainder of the pulp into a doubled up cheese cloth and squeeze over the bowl until no more juice comes out.
  10. At this point you can choose to restrain the juice to get out the little bits of pulp that remain with a cheese cloth draped inside the strainer or for a more rustic cider pulp can be left.
  11. Store in an air tight container in your refrigerator for up to a week or freeze for later use.

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